Eco wooden furniture Blenom
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Natural Tule Wood Table with Straight Edge

Reference: 572260

From £417.34
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The Tule wooden table for dining room, living room or kitchen has an industrial and functional design. It perfectly combines simplicity and elegance. Handmade, one by one, with 100% ecological natural solid wood, from sustainable forests. Rectangular table with the possibility of a matching wooden bench. It combines with a multitude of decorative styles, which allows you to create an environment completely tailored to your needs. With various sizes to choose from so you can personalize it and adapt it to any corner of your room. Due to its nature, each piece is unique, presenting a different and exclusive veining. Natural color finish. With metal legs.


85 cm
Table edge:


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Technical Details



Product Measurements: Length:

To choose from 100 cm to 200 cm.


75 cm


85 cm

Top thickness:

4 cm



Height Legs:

71 cm

Type of Legs:

In the form of (W)

Color of Legs:

To choose in White or Black< /p> Foot material:







The table consists of 1 piece + 4 metal legs.


  • Tone: The final color of the product may vary, due to the fact that it is manufactured by hand.
  • Finish: Layer of ecological paint plus a protective finish.
  • Material: Made of natural solid wood from sustainable forests and vegetable oil.
  • Sustainable: All Blenom products are part of the project < b>SAVING TH E AMAZON.With your purchase you contribute to the reforestation and planting of trees by the hand of the indigenous communities. Together we will beat deforestation!
  • Design and manufacturing: in Spain.
  • Guarantee: 100% guaranteed for life .
  • Cleaning: It is recommended to use a slightly damp cloth without chemical products.
  • Assembly: Includes screw kit for mounting assembly.

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Comments (1)

| 25/05/2024 | Verified purchase
Natural Tule Table with Straight Edge

La mesa es preciosa. Lo único a mejorar es el tiempo de entrega, aún así la espera ha valido la pena. Un saludo.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Hola, ¿esta mesa se podría fabricar con 55 cm de profundidad y 100 cm de largo? Se usaría como escritorio y son las medidas que necesitamos. En cuanto al color tengo dudas, ya que lo que hay en casa es roble con tinte blanco y abedul, ¿mandáis muestrario antes de hacer el pedido para poder elegir el color? Muchas gracias. Saludos

Store response | 20/08/2023

Hola Laura, 

Gracias por escribirnos.

Solo debes indicar en las observaciones del pedido el ancho de 55cm. y escoger el largo en el momento de efectuar la compra. 

Si quieres puedes adquirir el muestrario de colores al efectuar la compra, y te podemos enviar primero el muestrario y cuando elijas el color empezamos la fabricación de la mesa. ( en observaciones del pedido indicar: primero enviar el muestrario antes de fabricar la mesa)

Link muestrario:

Cualquier otra consulta ya sabes donde estamos.


Equipo Blenom


Hola, para una mesa de 120, cuantos cm habría entre pata y pata? Gracias de antemano, un saludo.

Store response | 16/05/2023

Hola Leyre, 

Gracias por contactar.

Debes contar unos 10 cm de ancho de cada pata, quedarían útiles unos 100 cm. entre patas.

Equipo Blenom


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